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Excellent, People.

Over the course of this past semester on ASU's campus I've observed what "I think" to be the very beginning of a relationship of some sorts. The first time I saw them, they were sitting closely together; close enough to observe they liked each-other but far enough apart that I felt I could assume they weren't together. They sat conversing quietly with one another throwing awkward unsure glances at one another yet listening intently with reassurance. This was the first time I saw them, and in the moment it struck me as a trivial(to me) yet special secret moment in another's life that I had the pleasure of appreciating. On the next occasion I saw them, they seemed tremendously more comfortable in one another's presence. They were laughing and giggling, smiles exploding from what could only mean a mutual crush. And yet that platonic small distance in between them hinted towards the still unsure trust that they shared betwixt themselves. The next time I saw them they were holding hands, chatting, smiling, chatting more...and the next and most recent invasion of their cute secret moments that I've been blessed to be able to observe...her head on his shoulder, while they sat side by side, zero space between thighs. Their mouths set still contently enjoying the silence and one another's closeness.


This past week I've met a couple very excellent people, and asked myself, what sticks out about these people? Why do I find them so excellent?

After I'd pondered the commonalities that I felt were present in all the interactions I had with these folks, I realized that they made me feel at ease; they made me feel like I could be me with them, and that I could trust them to understand me a little, or to at least try to. This was excellent to me! It's a wonderful thing to make a person feel accepted and valid.

I've been extremely fortunate to have people in my life that I can trust, that I know would have my back with anything if I ever asked, and they've changed my life and put me at ease in times when I felt like i had no one on my team.

May we all strive to be people whom others can trust, and depend on. I don't even want to imagine my life without my people, they make any obstacle seem minuscule.

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